How Trees Are Beneficial to Us

Trees have been around as long as we have. They’re the background to a long time memory in our head, and that welcoming view from our window, or as we adventure out in nature. Although they’re silent, and don’t move, they hold great responsibility. This responsibility includes the power to keep our health thriving, and make our lives better. Trees play a large role in our lives and the world around us, and it is a great reason as to why we should care for them and give them professional tree services. If you are searching for an arborist in Plant City, we can help you with professional tree service. If you are just here to enjoy this article, here are many reasons why trees benefit our lives.
Trees Consume the Polluted Gases of our Environment
Photosynthesis, the tree’s way of processing its “food”, involves soaking in the carbon monoxide of our world, and storing it within its wood. Trees absorb this gas throughout their life, and it helps cut down on our air pollution in our lives. This process also helps slow the gas build up in our atmosphere that some refer to as global warming. This is one of the reasons we appreciate trees, and why we advise against tree removal unless necessary.
Trees Boost our Physical & Mental Health
Based on a scientist’ study, our time spent exploring and embracing nature, like walking through your park, or walking trails, correlate with a decrease in depression and even anxiety. It doesn’t take too long for this to kick into your senses. You can possibly feel this decrease from a quick walk, or bicycle ride around your home. There is a good reason we as humans are drawn into green spaces.
Trees Clean Our Air for Easier Breathing
Trees remove the most dangerous part of air to our bodies and our health; particulate matter. This kind of pollution evolves from fossil fuels burning, and can reach dangerous levels. Some examples of locations would be Los Angeles, New York city, etc. The leaves on a tree absorb this and filter it out of our air. A tree can filter this air within 100 feet of them.
Trees Provide a Home to Our Wonderful Wildlife Among Us
Many of us can see the variety of animals that call a tree their home, whether temporary or permanent. One tree can provide a necessary habitat for a wide variety of animals, feathered or furry. A large wooded area, forest, or national park, can do much more. These areas provide homes starting on the ground, and stretching to the top of their canopies. This allows many types of creatures to thrive here.
Trees Cool Our Climate
Trees give us shade, beneficial in many ways. Trees act like a natural source of air conditioning, especially when over our house. This can decrease our electric bill due to the shield of canopy blocking the direct sun on our dark shingles. Areas with large amounts of concrete or asphalt can be over five degrees hotter than the areas with shade trees. This is a reason we always look for shade when we are on the job.
Trees Filter Our Water
Fun fact; trees filter and store more than half of the water supply across the United States. Trees will filter out all the negative pollutants that they absorb, and then drain the remaining water to its roots and down into our aquifer system.
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